Privacy Policy

Personal Data Collection and Use In general, we do not collect any personal data from you, and no registration is required to access any information provided on our website. Like many other websites, we automatically record your visit through cookies, which are small data structures that are sent to your computer to record your visit to our website and to identify you on future visits. These cookies may remain on your computer permanently, but they are generally harmless. You can disable these cookies, but this may affect your browsing of our website. The types of information we collect include browser type and version, operating system, IP address and server domain name. The information collected from you will only be used to compile general statistics about the number of visitors to our website and the use of our website.

No personal data is collected unless you explicitly provide this information to us. However, personal data may be collected from you on a voluntary basis for certain specific purposes or services.The purposes for collecting your personal data (including your name, phone number, address, email address, fax number, credit card number, bank name and expiration date, etc.) are listed in the corresponding screen of our website, and you are invited to provide your data. If you provide personal data, we may sometimes send you some promotional materials about our products. When you email us with any inquiry, complaint or feedback, we will record your personal data for further action or appropriate follow-up. Security of Personal Data We take your privacy security very seriously. It is our general policy not to disclose any personal data to any third party unless required by law or with your prior consent. All personal information you provide to us is protected by our website and only authorized personnel have access.

Our online ordering process uses SET and SSL+ protocol links for data transmission to protect your personal information that may have security concerns. We will also instruct our employees on our privacy policy from time to time to ensure their strict compliance. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data It is our general policy to keep all personal data confidential except as permitted or required by law. The personal data provided will be used for the specified purposes stated by us at the time we collect such data, including but not limited to processing of admission applications, statistical purposes and other related matters. We may provide such personal data to persons authorized to process the information solely for purposes related to those specified purposes. We will not share any of your personal data with other companies or organizations without your prior consent.

However, information may be disclosed incidentally or in the course of our operations to: Any person, agent, consultant, auditor, contractor or service provider who provides services and advice to us in connection with our operations The Provider provides technical personnel who assist us in designing and building our website and to whom we are required to disclose information under any law applicable in or outside Hong Kong. The privacy policy statement set forth on this website does not apply to information incidental to or disclosed to any third party in the course of our operations or provision of services.We are not responsible for the privacy protection of such third parties. Data retention Personal data you provide to us will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy Statement. Access and correction of personal data Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to know whether we hold your personal data, to access that data and to correct the data if it is inaccurate.

Hyperlink This privacy policy statement applies only to this website. If you click on any advertisement or hyperlink to another website, you will leave our website and go to another location. We are not responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of such sites, and you should always check the privacy policies of any site to which you click. This purpose is achieved by means of a privacy policy statement, posting or inserting a notice on specific pages of this website. Please remember to visit this page from time to time to review any revisions to the above Privacy Policy Statement and how they may affect your use of this website. Your continued use of this website constitutes your acceptance of such revisions. Governing Law This Privacy Policy Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. English version and Chinese translation This Privacy Policy Statement is written in English with a Chinese translation.If there are any discrepancies or conflicts between the English version and the Chinese translation, the English version shall prevail. EU Privacy Policy Statement This Privacy Policy applies if you are located in an EU member state at the time of your interaction with us. Data Collection and Use We may voluntarily collect personal data from you when you visit our website, attend our events, use our services, register or communicate with us.

The categories of personal data we may collect, process and use include: - your personal information, contact information, such as your name, gender, age, telephone number, fax number, correspondence address and email address; your interests, preferences, Comments and feedback; your responses to market surveys and competitions we conduct; details of your visits to our website and other information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies (including information you view). We may also collect publicly available information about you online, including your social media profiles. We may not collect, process and use your sensitive personal data unless you expressly consent to us. We may process and/or use your personal data for the following main purposes: - Provide you with our information and services; respond to your inquiries; mail communications and publications that you may choose, request or that we think are relevant to you , invitation letters, etc.; used for general market research;and to register or sign up for events and courses organized by us or our business partners.

Our legal basis for using your personal data is as follows: - Consent: You consent to our use of your personal data. You may withdraw your consent to our use of your personal data at any time by contacting us. Performance of contract: We need to collect and process your personal data in order to provide you with the services we provide to you under the contract. Legal Obligations: We need to use your personal data to comply with our legal obligations. Vital Interests: We need to process your personal data to protect your vital interests or that of another natural person. Public Interest: We need to process your personal data to carry out a task in the public interest. Legitimate interests: We have a legitimate interest in using your personal data or information and any interest you may have or any harm you may suffer in relation to the use of your personal data is not outweighed by that purpose.Marketing

Our legal basis for using your personal data is as follows: - Consent: You consent to our use of your personal data. You may withdraw your consent to our use of your personal data at any time by contacting us. Performance of contract: We need to collect and process your personal data in order to provide you with the services we provide to you under the contract. Legal Obligations: We need to use your personal data to comply with our legal obligations. Vital Interests: We need to process your personal data to protect your vital interests or that of another natural person. Public Interest: We need to process your personal data to carry out a task in the public interest. Legitimate interests: We have a legitimate interest in using your personal data or information and any interest you may have or any harm you may suffer in relation to the use of your personal data is not outweighed by that purpose.

.Marketing We may use your personal data for marketing and promotional purposes. We may communicate marketing and promotional messages to you by post, telephone or online (including by email or through your mobile device or through online banner advertising) and, where appropriate and necessary, we Your consent will be sought or you will otherwise be provided with the option to opt-out of receiving marketing communications when we collect your information. Data Security We take reasonable safeguards to protect your personal data in accordance with the requirements of data protection legislation. All personal data we collect is stored on secure servers and is accessible only to authorized personnel. Data Sharing We keep all personal data confidential unless permitted or required by law. We will not share or disclose any of your personal data with other companies or organizations without your prior consent.However, certain information may be disclosed incidentally or in the course of our operations to: - any person, agent, consultant, auditor, contractor who provides services and advice to us in connection with our operations suppliers or service providers; technical staff who help design and build our website; business partners for events for which you register; and/or persons to whom we are required to disclose under any laws applicable within or outside Hong Kong.

Data Retention The period for which we retain personal data is based on business needs and legal requirements. We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the processing purposes for which it was collected and any other permitted linking purposes. When the personal data is no longer required, we either irreversibly anonymize the data (in which case we may further retain and use the anonymized data),Either securely destroy the information. Your rights You have the right to: - access your personal data and correct, amend or delete it (subject to a reasonable fee); withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time; receive a copy of your personal data and transfer it to others; object to our processing of your personal data; lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data with your local data protection authority; and instruct us to restrict the processing of your personal data while we investigate and/or verify your claim material.